the voice of God




The promulgators of the Assyrian confederacy study also believe and teach that during the Assyrian war, Davidians will be giving the Jonah message to the world, this will cause us to be considered as terrorist, and this is what will bring Jacob’s time of trouble. This idea they say comes from the unpublished Code. We will quote the main references used.


(11 SC #8)


“Next, Jonah was vomited on shore by the fish.  The earth, being the opposite of sea (the Old Country) signifies or typifies God's people being brought to the new world.  And it was after Jonah came on shore that God met him the second time and told him to take a message to Nineveh.  This shows that a message was due to arise sometime in the new world with a prediction concerning Nineveh.  And the fish was a type of the providential circumstances which God used to bring His people to the new world.  The message Jonah was to bear to Nineveh is a type of our message arising in the new world, America.” …..“ And as Jonah finally did carry his message, so God's people at this time will carry theirs.


“Now we may ask when did Jonah's message arrive in America?--Jonah's message was one to Nineveh exclusively, and the only message to Nineveh today is that contained in the Truth given in "War News Forecast," tract No. 14.  There is no other message to Nineveh.  And bear in mind that the church is not Nineveh.


“The message in tract No. 14 shows to what age God's people have come: It shows that the church has now grown up in Truth and can become husbandmen, rules, etc., and that therefore the time has come that the kingdom of Christ is to be set up.  And the tract contains the message to Nineveh.  These two things are all that tract 14 shows.


“Our message for the present is in two sections, two divisions: (1) the message to the church and (2) the message to Nineveh.  In other words, we have the message of Elijah and also the message of Jonah.  After Jonah came on shore following his experience in the sea, his next step was to proclaim a message to Nineveh evidently to save it or there would have been no need for Jonah to be sent.  At the end of the given forty days Nineveh stood.  At this Jonah should have taken the position of rejoicing that he was a saviour of Nineveh.  But instead Jonah was sick and wished he was dead.


“Nineveh, you remember, repented and proclaimed a fast.  And even the cattle were aware that Nineveh had repented, but Jonah did not know it.  Jonah must have been proud and more concerned with bringing his prophecy to pass, than he was with the salvation of the city, for he mourned over the withering of the gourd which is just a plant rather than rejoicing over the repentance of Nineveh!


“This should be a great object lesson to us.  In carrying our message of Elijah we should not be anxious for the execution of Ezekiel 9 in the church, but rather we should be anxious for the souls of the people.  Likewise in bearing our message of Jonah we should not be anxious for Assyria's fall, but rather for her repentance and salvation.


“The message we have from the Scriptures concerning Nineveh says that Nineveh is to be overthrown.  In fact all the prophets who speak of Nineveh or Assyria say that she is to be overthrown.  Yet the type and other scriptures say she is to be saved.


“It is Nahum's prophecy, the message contained in Tract 14, War News Forecast, that is to bring salvation to antitypical Assyria.  She will not be saved from the nations not defeating her, for they will.  But in her defeat she will be brought to repentance and be reconciled to God and be saved.” (11 SC #8 pp8-12)


We will go to the Rod to first identify who antitypical Nineveh represents.


“Let us turn to Zephaniah 3, and begin with the first verse.


Zeph. 3:1 -- "Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!"


“The antecedent of the pronoun "her" is found in the thirteenth verse of the preceding chapter.  In it is seen that the "city" here pointed out is Nineveh, the capital city of ancient Assyria.


“At this point let us pause a moment and summarize the characteristics by which this modern Assyria is to be identified.  (1) As man looks at things, she is so great that there is none like her.  She is well instructed in the things of God.  (2) She is oppressive, a hard ruling nation.  (3) She has polluted the sanctuary and has declared the law of God void.  (4) She has piled up wealth by going after it as an evening wolfe goes after its prey.  (5) She harbors the church of God.  (6) She exists in the time the Lord is to manifest His power and destroy all the wicked nations.  (7) She is an Assyria-like nation, widespread, a nation of conquests.


“There is but one people under the sun that answers to all these descriptions, and that people is, of course, the English-speaking people, in whose midst is the church, and from whose midst the Gospel and the Bible flow out to all nations. As clear as language can make it, the burden of the prophet Zephaniah is for the English-speaking Christian world.


“God is now saying to Assyria's capital city, "Indeed, you are doing all these abominations, but you will not thus continue long.  The time is at hand."  Put a stop to your absurdities. ” (1TG #23 p3, 6)


“Plainly, Assyria with her capital city, Nineveh, are the one people.” (1TG #24 p11)


Nineveh, the capital city of ancient Assyria in the antitype would represent the government or head of that English-speaking Christian world or nation. The characteristics used in identifying that nation clearly points to the U.S.A. today.


There are two main points that we need to carefully consider from 11 SC.


(1) “Now we may ask when did Jonah's message arrive in America?--Jonah's message was one to Nineveh exclusively, and the (only) message to Nineveh today is that contained in the Truth given in "War News Forecast," tract No. 14.  There is no other message to Nineveh.  And bear in mind that the church is not Nineveh.


(2) “It is Nahum's prophecy, the message contained in Tract 14, War News Forecast, that is to bring salvation to antitypical Assyria.  She will not be saved from the nations not defeating her, for they will.  But in her defeat she will be brought to repentance and be reconciled to God and be saved.”


After the Code identified where Jonah message was to arrived, it then went on to show that the (only) message to Nineveh today is that contained in the Truth given in "War News Forecast," tract No. 14. It also stated that Assyria in her defeat will be brought to repentance and be saved. Let’s hear the Rod on these two points.


(Tr. #14 1943)


“Nevertheless, "at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them." Jer. 18:7, 8.


”Seeing that the Lord is about to humiliate "Assyria" for her own good, but that He would forbear doing so if only she would repent as did Nineveh of old at Jonah's warning, obviously this Forecast is published to benefit not the church alone but "Assyria" and her allies also, and even their enemy.


”Nevertheless, if these belligerents will not voluntarily awaken to the fact that Destiny is not in their own hands but in the mighty hands of the Infinite and Omnipotent God, then will He bring them involuntarily to that realization, and spare only their God-fearing citizens, as He declares:(See Isa.19:23-25) (Tr. #14 p15)


Will antitypical Assyria be saved? Only if that nation will turn from their evil, and as prophecy has predicted, they will not, (See pp 30 -32 of this article) therefore, God will spare only their God-fearing citizens.


After Assyria falls, she then transform into Babylon – the Mark of the Beast.


The Code is in agreement with Tr. #14 on point #1 but not on the last part of #2. We can then conclude that copies of Tr. #14 (only) should be sent to the government of Assyria, her allies, and even their enemy, not something devised by man. This does not mean that Davidians should publicly be involved in any form of mass distribution, demonstration or protest against their government before or during the war, or by telling them not to confederate, on the contrary. This is not our calling.


“In brief, we are to confine our message strictly to the old organization, as did the apostles with their message. For the first three and a half years after the resurrection, they were commissioned to put forth all their effort in behalf of their parent organization only, the last in the Old Testament period; likewise, the Davidians are commissioned to put forth an all-out effort in behalf of their parent, the Laodicean organization, the last in the New Testament period.


”Let us confidently, therefore, work to the end of pressing together as an army with banners to proclaim the good tidings unto Zion. Then only can it be said of us: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" Isa. 52:7.


Brother, Sister, if you want a part in this never-so-glorious work, you dare not longer delay in lifting your voice to help warn "Mother" of what Father is about to do to her Unlawful Children -- "The Tares." (Tr. #4 pp57, 58)


We must learn to harmonize Tr. #14 with Tr. #4. Both appear to be contradicting one another. Tr. #4 is simply identifying where the emphasis (an all out effort) of our work should be concentrated. Where as Tr. #14 is pointing out that due to the fact that the message also predicts Assyria’s fall, then the only logical and right thing to do before God bring judgment upon her is to first warn her and her allies and even her enemies.


While giving the Rod message to the church, the nations will also be awaken as the following references will reveal.


Micah 6:1, 2 -- "Hear ye now what the Lord saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice.  Hear ye, O mountains, the Lord's controversy, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a controversy with His people, and He will plead with Israel."


“First to be noted is the fact that the messenger of God is instructed to contend before the mountains, and that the hills are to hear his voice.  Obviously, then, in this scripture as elsewhere in the Bible, mountains and hills must be figurative of kingdoms and governments.


“He is to contend before the mountains not against them; that is, he is to proclaim that the Lord has a controversy with His people, that He is asking for a thorough reformation among them, and that they are not willing and co-operating.


“It was seen in previous studies that the prophecies of Micah 4 and 5 are to be fulfilled in the latter days, our time, in a time that Inspiration by the revelation of these prophecies calls for a reformation among God's people.  The prophecies now being unsealed for the first time since they were written, and the reformation already on foot, the fact that instead of gladly accepting the freshly revealed message, they are creating a controversy throughout the Adventist churches, very obviously indicates that now is the time to contend before the mountains, now is the time for them (the "mountains") to hear the Lord's controversy with His people.


“The words, Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice, imply that heretofore his voice has been heard only locally but that now he must meet the situation even though the mountains, hills, and the strong foundations of the earth hear that the Lord is having a controversy with His people.” (1TG #27 pp3, 4)


Jer. 31:7 -- "For thus saith the Lord; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations: publish ye, praise ye, and say, O Lord, save Thy people, the remnant of Israel."


“The "remnant" are those who survive the "Judgment in the house of God."  God's people now, while dwelling among the chief of the nations, are urged to proclaim this good tiding (in their midsts) with singing, gladness, and praise, saying, "O Lord, save Thy people."  This Truth is now the very present Truth, and It is to be proclaimed and heeded.  To work and pray to this end, is the message of the hour.


Jer. 31:10 -- "Hear the Word of the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock."


“God is speaking and who dare not take His Word to heart?  Who dare be indifferent and keep silent?  In order for the nations to be able to say, "He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him," they must be nations that believe, nations that understand these prophecies and promises.  They are to do what we are doing.  But since there is no nation doing this at the present time, and since we are the only ones that are engaged in this work, the truth becomes evident that our message is to awaken nations to the fact that we, the last descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, are called forth to declare this Truth not only to all our brethren, but even to the nations.  Then the nations are to re-broadcast It to other nations, so declares the Scriptures.  They are to proclaim that God's people are to be gathered, and kept, too.”


“We, therefore, must not fail in our trust.  We must prove worthy of our calling.” (1TG. #48 pp22. 23) (See 1TG. #25 p9 also)


The giving of Tr. #14 to the government of nations, the proclamation of Elijah’s message to the church (on a much more wider and open scale than at the present time) will awaken nations by them hearing the Lords controversy with His people, this does not necessitate the execution of Jacob’s trouble, neither will it bring any form of persecution upon us. This is a myth. See Tr. #9 p53.


For more information in regards to our commission only to mother and not the world please read 7SC #7-12 pp17, 18, 2 Ans. pp58-63, 3Ans. pp65-69 and 5Ans. pp50, 51.




A Message From God To All Davidians